“Doves in a Tempest-The Valley of Horror is an addicting and thoughtful novel—its timeless atmosphere delves into Austin, Texas in 1958 and the conspiracy that sends seismic ripples through its inhabitants. Is it science-fiction? Is it a sinister government-fueled cabal? Schweitzer opens up all possibilities and will keep you engaged throughout. Lyrical and evocative, it’s a potent mix of coming of age, mystery, and nostalgia-tinged horror. Told in a style reminiscent of The Twilight Zone, it rings true for the late 1950’s when it’s set. Doves in a Tempest is the Stranger Things of an earlier era — an ode to bygone times, to lost innocence, and to unexplained things that go bump in the night. Fans of Stephen King will get a big kick out of the mix of nostalgia and menace, and the extra dollop of Stranger Things spices up the mix. As for the plot, it twists and turns as much as the Texas hills the author describes. A dark tale, laced with bits of humor, it’s an honest depiction of late 1950s Texas—with its segregation, racial and religious intolerance, and a sense of childlike innocence in the adults, typical of that time. The precocious preteens who are the novel's main characters, are daring in their quest to uncover a dark force that threatens their sanity and, ultimately, their lives. Meanwhile, their brilliance doesn't keep them from experiencing confusion about puberty. In fact, the strange visions and nightmares they endure works brilliantly as a metaphor for their fears of what their minds and bodies are going through in the bewildering passage to adulthood.”
Recommended for ages 14 and up. Contains adult language, brief graphic violence, mild gender confusion, and honest depiction of the challenges of early adolescence.
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This sensitive series, set in Austin, Texas in 1958, tells the story of Bobby, a 6-year-old boy who has faced challenges since birth due to brain damage. This led to his having a difficult time with speech and understanding. Enter Anna Belle Cook and her friends who are kind to him, and how his learning to talk to dogs leads them all on a series of humorous adventures in a world where dogs can talk. Along the way your child will learn about dogs, communication, perception, and the importance of compassion toward those who struggle with disabilities. Vocabulary and grammar lessons are integrated into the stories, as well as the importance of being empathetic toward others. Based on real-life experiences, the boy Bobby and the dogs in the stories are inspired by my own personal encounters, while other characters are lifted from my novel Doves in a Tempest-The Valley of Horror, which targets a slightly older audience. Anna Belle Cook and The Boy Who Talked to Dogs can be enjoyed by children of all ages!
The Kindle Vella platform presents books as a series of episodes, similar to chapters in a book, that can be read one at a time. The first three episodes are FREE.
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