Editing and Proofreading Services
Copy Editing
Get that first draft right! My copy editing services include:
1) Checking for mispell misspelling.
2) Grammar checking
3) Basic Style Editing.
Optional - Detailed editing. Contact me to discuss your needs.
Ready to Throw Go?
You’re about to publish!
Now you need to correct and polish.
Proofreading `A La Carte Service Options:
1) Correct Auto-correct! Don’t say melons when you mean lemons.
2) Do a final edit (double and triple check spelling and grammar).
3) How does it look and read? Check flow, consistency, readability, structure, punctuation, formatting.
4) Plagiarism check.
4) Tips for Targeting the Marketing - Will it sell? What help and advice will you need?
But What do I Do?
It’s Simple!
1) Use the contact button below to email me. At this point you should NOT attach your manuscript or anything else. Just let me know what you’re looking for and some basic information about your manuscript. I’ll need to know the word count, what kind of manuscript it is (fiction novel, how-to book, etc.), genre, target market, where you are in the writing and publishing process, and whether you’re self-publishing, using a “Vanity” publisher, or other.
I will let you know within a week or less whether I think we’re a fit, and if we are, I’ll be asking for more information, probably a copy of your manuscript, and possibly be scheduling a call with you.
2) After receiving a copy of your manuscript in Microsoft Word or Text Format, I’ll have another look and come back to you with a quote for what it will cost. At this point we can get started if we reach agreement!
3) Be serious and ready to work hard! Please don’t send frivolous requests or email. That sort of thing just makes me grumpy.
The Fine Print
I generally set my rates by the word, usually only a few cents per word, depending on type of services. You will have a firm quote and agree to it before I start.
I accept payment by PayPal. I can help you if you’re unfamiliar with it.